August 28, 2020

Learn how to manage your time with these 4 simple methods.

Time is the most expensive thing in the world and time management is one of the most important skills to develop and work on. Time management is directly connected to the effectiveness of the business and its profitability, yet many business owners as well as employees struggle with it. Planned, structured and scheduled workday/week/month/year help increase a company’s ROI by providing more time for creating new products and solving problems that may arise without impacting the company’s timelines. Here is what you can do to improve time management in your company:

Set Measurable Goals

Set long term goals and then break them into short term goals per quarter and per month. This will help you track the successes more effectively and identify what may be preventing you from reaching the goals. Your goals should be realistic, and measurable. Working with measurable goals will not only make your time management more effective but will help you reach the desired outcome faster.


Once your goals are set, you can start working on a plan with timelines to reach them. Allow enough time to perform good quality work when you set the timelines without rushing yourself or your team too much. If you don’t set realistic timelines, you are risking getting yourself and your team into the never-ending race against time.

Prioritize your to-do tasks

Creating to-do lists for your workday is helpful to reach your monthly goals. This way you know how every day is contributing to your plan. When you create a to-do list, it is important to prioritize. What is the most important thing that must be done today and what can be done later? The most important tasks will be directly connected to your deadlines. And if unforeseen circumstances arise during the day, you will not be as stressed, because your most important task have been addressed right from the start.


As a manager or business owner you deal with day to day operations as well as more global responsibilities. Delegating some of the less important tasks can save your time for more strategic activities. You can delegate some projects/tasks to your employees or hire a contractor. How do you know what type of work to delegate? If the other person can do it faster and it does not require a lot of your time spent reviewing their work, then delegate.

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